Wednesday 22 July 2015


This is a poem I wrote about 3 years ago, I was reminded by it via a post my boyfriend wrote on Facebook recently so I thought I'd share it with you. Enjoy.


They say some things are better left unsaid,
but deeds done never leave words unspoken,
for betrayal leaves a good heart brocken.
Am saddened by the things i can't tell you;
I tell you everything because to you i want to be true.

Some say i have trust issues but i am just doing to you
what i would like you to do to me.
You see hiding is like lying;
it's not about protecting the other person but yourself!
the heart starts to wonder when it's source of love feeds off uncertainty,
for doubt is a ground for roots that don't grow
so pain makes the process go slow.

Joy is the foundation of love and they say love bares all things
but how can this prove to be love if we don't bare all things
because if we don't bare all things, then this can't be love.
Communication is the key
but blame changes the locks
so what is the door to be?

I tell you, nothing is better left unsaid
for many are destroyed by that which is unknown.

                                                                                                     Siphesihle Sihlayi