Monday 23 February 2015

Proverbial Girl (Proverbs 31)

1. What you are actually worth is more valuable than anything on earth, and that's priceless. 2. Your results are inaccurate if you measure yourself with the wrong thing. 3. Can God trust you? Are you helping or hurting others. 4. Be a five star friend, you know the kind of friend you would like to have. 5. Go the distance to be soft and beautiful. How bad do you want the best out of you? 6. Be consistant and refuse to give up. 7. Bring life to others, and you can't bring to others what you don't have, so embrace the life that is in you and be willing to deliver that same empowering life to others.

Friday 20 February 2015

I love you Jesus

My Sunday school teacher always told me about you and when I met you, you were all that I imagined and more! At first I fell in love with the stories I heard about you, they were full of love and wonders, power and mercy. It’s the stories that created a desire to be also called your own. It’s how your plans always worked out perfectly; you always give your people hope. Like how Samson relayed on you on his day of death and you came through or how you were true to Daniel in the lions den. You are great; no one can ever come close to be compared to you. When I personally got to see you, your presence alone was just overwhelming, your smile with so much compassion, it made me weak to my knees, your touch so gentle never knew that love could be this pure, and your eyes had so much grace that looking at them drew me to redemption. Jesus I am so in love with you, I can’t take my eyes off you and am constantly thinking about you, your words so sweet and everlastingly true. I can’t really boast about my love for you but I gladly talk to others about the love you have for me, I tell them you loved me so much that you died for me. And even though am unfaithful at times, you never give up on me, you never leave me, you are never unfaithful but true. You love me relentlessly. Knowing that I can trust you and that your love never fails brings me to my knees, worship fills my soul and my heart praises you with thanksgiving. Your knowledge of me amazes me, it’s too good. I love how you manage to make me smile no matter the mood. I love you so much and I know my actions my often fail to show, many a times I wonder how and why you love me so much. Jesus thank you for the joy I find in my sadness, for your strength my weakness reveals. Thank you for in trails and tribulations, the comfort and assurance in times of fear and doubt. You are my all in all and I give you my all. Jesus I love you, I love you with my all!

Monday 9 February 2015

What we hide is a part of us we don't want others to see.

Hi there We all have a secret of some sort right? The real question though is; would you like others knowing about it or not? Why? See, it's the hidden things about us that truelly define us. Or atleast that's what i think. And hey, things are only hidden until they are found. Secrets can be kept a looong time but they can't survive forever,as I've told you before; they don't like being kept. XOXO

Sunday 8 February 2015

A little at a time

Hi there We learn things a little at a time just as Barney says, but before we know it we know them just too well. I'm thinking, the person i wished to be a long time ago is exactly who i am now, it took long though i almost gave up. Who we wish to be is who we really are, or atleast thats what i believe. And each day, a little at a time, we walk towards being who we we really are. So don't give up, try harder each day and keep in mind that you are always a step closer then you were the previous day. They say dely isn't denial, i mean that's why there is patience right? So be patience, a friend of mine used to have me remind him that; good things in life happen to those who have patience of the greatest length. I love you all and thats no secret, and hey, don't keep secrets that will help others grow or overcome. Yip! Sharing is caring.

Friday 6 February 2015


Hi there Now we all have secrets and for different reasons. Secrets ain't bad but it's the motive behind them that is, we sometimes have them in trying to protect ourselves or others, or we have them so that no one knows who we are. Mostly they are out of selfishness and keeping a secret is like locking yourself in a room with a monster and pretending not to see it because you think if you do that it wont hurt you. Buuut, without secrets i wouldnt be a Queen now would I? So hey, thanks. PS. Secrets don't enjoy being kept. Sshhh, i didnt tell you so